Saturday, December 3, 2016

3d printing with ABS

Finlly I figured out how to print from ABS filament with my sunhockey prusa i3

I'm so happy, ABS seems to be a lot better now compared to my PLA expreiences, my trick is simple, I just read it somewhere:

I took some acetone and soaked some ABS in it (actually filled a 100 ml bottle with about 50 ml acetone and ABS) took an old primary school paint brush and gently painted a layer of "liquid ABS" on my 90 degrees celsius heated bed, soon the acetone vaporised, and a tiny extra layer of ABS got stocked to my bed so badly
I can only remove it with a razor blade, on this I print 5 layers of rafting, after that the print can start and now it seems even bigger (for me at least) 4-6 hour prints came out fine.

I'm so happy just started to print plenty of things again :-)

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Orange Pi

Just had a cheap Orange Pi PC on my shelf which I tought (until now) was just some thrown out $20 with it's charger and its case which I 3d printer earlier.

However this device was the best with my old 22" lcd monitor which only has old vga output so I had to buy a   HDMI converter, but for some reason my Raspberries neved filled the whole screen, but the Orange Pi does (I have no idea why)

So after a few months I got to the support site and found a few new distros, dowloaded the Mate VIVID and so far I can only say its awsome 😊

Pretty quick I just changed the admin password in a few clicks, installed Transmission torrent client in  terminal by

sudo apt-get install transmission

Now trying to set up samba so I can watch my dowloaded movies from Xmbc trough my LAN

Later I might also install a vnc server so I can start the downloads from my phone or whatever.

Edit: VNC server done, OSX network compatibility done, now I'll try to add FTP by

Finally found a good prupose for my Orange Pi ☺